Welcome to PyG3T’s documentation!

PyG3T (short for Python GetText Translation Toolkit) is a set of pure Python tools to work with gettext catalogs (.po-files) as a translator.

The toolkit consists of:

  • gtcat: write a catalog in normalized format, or change encoding
  • gtcheckargs: parse translations of command line options in a catalog, checking for errors (designed for GNU coreutils and similar)
  • gtcompare: compare two catalogs qualitatively
  • gtgrep: perform string searches within catalogs
  • gtmerge: combine two or more catalogs in different ways
  • gtprevmsgdiff: show a word-wise diff which compares old msgids in a catalog with current ones
  • gtwdiff: show an ordinary podiff as a word-wise podiff
  • poabc: check for common translation errors, such as missing punctuation
  • podiff: generate diffs of po-files, such that each differing entry is printed completely
  • popatch: apply a podiff to an old catalog to obtain the new catalog
  • gtxml: check xml in translations


Indices and tables